Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Commenting Challenge Day 2

I'm linking up with Jenna again today.  Hop over and check out the other awesome blogs.

Welcome back!!!

Today's topic is all about series. TV. Books. 

Now with 3 kids, it's hard to find some time to sit down and watch TV or read. We do use our DVR to record a few things to watch when the kids are all in bed.

First, Army Wives. I started watching Army Wives a few seasons ago and actually used Netflix to watch the entire series from the beginning. This past season was kind of hard at first because so many of the original cast left. I'm still holding on to hope that they will renew for at least one more season. 

HIMYM. We love How I Met Your Mother but have fallen off actually watching it. We have a ton to watch on the DVR. Maybe it's daunting to think of how many there are. Maybe it's just that we don't have time. Either way we need to catch up. 

I recently read Debbie Macomber's Cedar Cove series. It was such a good series to read. This past Saturday they aired the first episode of the Cedar Cove series on Hallmark Channel. I, of course, have it on DVR but haven't had time to watch it. I'm hoping its really good. 

Do you watch any of these shows? What do you enjoy watching/reading?

This is what I spend most days with. My kiddos and messes. :) I wouldn't have it any other way. 


  1. Stopping by from Jenna's. my DVR is full and I can't seem to catch up. I am so tired at night from cleaning up all those messes. We have a little tornado in the house too, amazing how quickly they can destroy a house. Your kids are so adorable.

  2. Made my way over from the commenting challenge. You NEED to catch up on HIMYM. The last season is starting soon and I feel like it is going to get really funny again and just have nice closure since we ACTUALLY get to meet the mother!

    Kelly @ http://theadventuresofthekeitzerfamily.blogspot.com/

  3. I watched Cedar Cove too! It was good and the series is set to record. I'll watch it on nights when my Honey travels for work!

    1. I haven't had a minute to watch it. Hopefully soon!

  4. I'm here from Jenna's Journey - I could spend hours looking at office supplies, yet my home office is a nightmare right now.

  5. I love Army Wives, it is one of my faves!!

    I see that you are from Alabama!! So am I!! ;-)
